Monday, November 25, 2019

“He is a most strong man. He put his arms around the penseé girl and he most lifted her off the ground. He did take out a ring of gold and he did tell her it was his mother's wedding ring. A butterfly went by - it was a cream one with a nice ribbon at its wing edge and pinkish spots. He did kiss her again. They didn't see the green caterpillar having sleeps under the hazel leaf. And he did say, "I want you to have all the love in the world." And he kissed her again.”― Opal Whiteley

Jaime Louise, Author
#romance, #romanticfiction, #lovestories, #romanticfantasy, #jaimelouise,
#timetravel, #reincarnation

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

“I want to reach out and grab his hand and hold it to me, right over my heart, right where it aches the most. I don't know if doing that would heal me or make my heart break entirely, but either way this constant hungry waiting would be over.”  ― Ally Condie

Jaime Louise, Author
#romance, #romanticfiction, #lovestories, #romanticfantasy, #jaimelouise,
#timetravel, #reincarnation

Monday, November 4, 2019

“All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness.”
Arnold Lobel

Jaime Louise, Author
#romance, #romanticfiction, #lovestories, #romanticfantasy, #jaimelouise,
#timetravel, #reincarnation